Get your business online
Grow your sales and reach out to customers with your online store presence
Order Analytics
Analyze your online store orders on daily and monthly basis. Perform actions on store orders and notify customers accordingly
Customized theme builder
Use theme builder to customize your online store using different combinations of theme options
Store Settings
Configure your online store using various configuration settings
Easy to use Point of Sale
Speed up your checkout time with point of sale system
Barcode scanner
Significantly reduce your checkout time by scanning items to generate invoices using app barcode scanner
Invoice generation
Generate and share invoices with customers in easy to use app interface
Record business activities
Record payments, customers, expenses and items with easy to use app interface
Organize your business
Manage your day to day business operations with Naavo
Analyze your sales, purchases, customer and vendor activity on daily and monthly basis. Keep your business health in sync
Record estimates and seamlessly share it with your customers. Convert estimates into sales with ease
Customers and Vendors
Keep track of your customers and vendors. Analyze customer sales and vendor purchases on daily and monthly basis
Money in, Money out
Track payments from your customers and vendors with Naavo
Analyze your customer and vendor payment activity on daily and monthly basis. Keep yourself upto date with payments on due invoices
Send timely payment reminders to customers on due invoices. Receive payments faster than usual
Advance Tracker
Record all advance payments from customers and vendors. Easy link of payments to past and future invoices
Stay upto date with your Inventory
Manage your day to day inventory with Naavo.
Analyze all your sales and purchase activity on items in inventory. Keep yourself on top of inventory with on-time notifications
Categorize your items in inventory. Create catalogue and share seamlessly with your customers
Auto update
Inventory is kept upto date on every sale and purchase activity. Completely avoid extra hassle of manual updates
Stay upto date with your Spending
Manage your day to day business expenses with Naavo
Analyze your business spending on daily and monthly basis. Also, analyze business spending by expense category
Track Receipts
Easily attach receipts while recording an expense. Maintain both transparency and accountability
Monitor Business Health
Easily monitor your business health on every expense update
Download the app now
Google Play StoreNaavo
One stop solution to manage your sales, purchases, inventory, payments, orders, customers and vendors. Also, manage your online presense with customized themes and settings.
© 2021 Naavo. All rights reserved.